Did you imagine?
A world where everything is digitalized…
Smarter beyond imagination, created by the Coder.

The Coder Value

The Pioneers of the 5th Industrial Revolution

Creating unprecedented value in the world
Developing technology beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.
Standing at the center of smart and pushing forward into the future.

Office : 927, Building C, Hyundai Terra Tower DMC, 218 Hyangdong-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea



A journey of creating unprecedented value in the world.


Venturing into the overseas market.
12 Asia Brand Protection Coalition (ABPC) Membership
     Obtained NET (New Excellent Technology) Certification
     Participated in Dubai Future Accelerators (DFA) 7th Cohort
11 Received the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award for Meritorious Service in Reinvigorating Entrepreneurship
     Service supply contract with Pocompany
     Selected for Entrepreneurial Growth Technology Development, Innovative Entrepreneurship Project
     Attended High Security Printing Asia (Tokyo) Conference
     Filed 4 new PCT patents, including a device and method for determining authenticity using dot diffraction characteristics
     Technology Credit Rating: TI-3
     Surpassed $100,000 in exports
10 Contract for Smartjin Smart Goods Solution
     Service supply contracts with MS Co. and Leeman
     DOT technology performance testing by the Korea Radio Promotion Association:
     Scan, Anti-Counterfeiting Test - Compliant
09 Selected as the executing agency for the Initial Startup Package Project
     Relocated to DMC Advanced Industry Center
     Kim Young-se Starup Design Audition Best 10
     Participated in the bidding for FBR Pakistan Tobacco Track-and-trace project
     Gyeonggi Content Promotion Agency TEC Concert - Representative Park Haeng-woon
     Selected for Copyright Technology Development Project - BM Linked Project.
08 Invited for a Smart Factory Technology Demonstration at Parkland Indonesia (Adidas Manufacturing Plant)
     Featured on Korea Economic TV as a Startup Hero - Representative Park Haeng-woon
07 Selected as the executing agency for utilizing KOTRA Export Vouchers
06 Contract for Pohang Steelers Scan App
     Service supply contract with 3M Korea
05 Business partnership with 103 Production
04 Collaboration agreement with Contents Bank Korea
     Smart technology contract with LS Cable & System
02 Selected for NAVER Inter-Biz Scale-up Korea 2019.